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50-State Comparison: State Summative Assessments

As a condition of receiving federal funds, the Every Student Succeeds Act requires state education agencies to implement statewide assessments in mathematics and English language arts every year in third through eighth grade and once in ninth through 12th grade. Many states, however, test math and English language arts more than once in high school.

The federal law also requires a science assessment once in each of three grade spans: third through fifth grade, sixth through ninth grade, and 10th through 12th grade. Few states exceed the science testing requirements, and most states test science in fourth or fifth grade, eighth grade and once in high school through an end-of-course assessment in biology.

The information in this resource covers only those assessments that are mandatory statewide for all students, including those tests that fulfill federal testing requirements. Many states exceed federal requirements by requiring, for example, a statewide summative assessment in social studies or a college entrance exam, in addition to high school math and English language arts testing.

Click on the assessment type below for 50-State Comparisons showing how all states approach specific assessments. View a specific state’s approach by going to the state profiles page.

Locally selected assessments may also be used to provide additional information to parents, teachers, schools and districts, but these are not represented in this resource.

Where available, assessment vendor information is provided. However, many states work closely with their vendors to develop their assessments. Where a vendor is indicated, this is not meant to negate the collaborative work done by the state education agency, teachers and others in the state.

This information was collected from state department of education websites and through contact with state department staff, and therefore may not reflect what is required in state statute or regulation. State assessment systems vary widely, and the information below may not fully capture the unique qualities of each system.

50-State Comparisons

  1. Math and English language arts assessments and vendors for grades 3-8 (2017-18)
  2. Math and English language arts assessments and vendors for grades 9-12 (2017-18)
  3. Science assessments grades and/or end-of-course requirement
  4. Social studies assessments grades (if any)
  5. Additional college and career readiness assessment (grade 11 unless otherwise indicated; statewide, during school and paid for by the state)
  6. State summative assessments 2017-18: All data points

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April 11, 2018

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