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50-State Comparison: Statewide Admissions Policies (archive)

Education Commission of the States researched statewide admissions policies in all states to provide this comprehensive resource. Click on the questions below for 50-state comparisons showing how all states approach specific statewide admissions policies. Or, choose to view a specific state’s approach by going to the individual state profiles page.

Key Takeaways

  • Twenty-nine states currently have either a statewide or systemwide admissions policy for four-year public institutions.
  • Twenty-seven states' admissions policies provides alternative opportunities for students who do not meet minimum admissions standards.
  • Nine states have a guaranteed or automatic admissions policy for high school students who meet certain criteria.

50-State Comparisons

  1. All data points for all states
  2. Common statewide admissions policy? Which body governs the policy?
  3. Does the policy include multiple measures to determine college readiness? Elements reflected in admissions policy (Assessments; Class rank; GPA; High school coursework; Index)
  4. Are alternative opportunities available for students who do not meet minimum admissions standards? What are the alternative opportunities?
  5. Does the state have a guaranteed or automatic admissions policy? Description of guaranteed or automatic admissions policy

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Feb. 15, 2017

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