ArtsEdSearch: The Search Is Over … or Maybe It Is Just Beginning

Help! I need information — and fast — about the impact of arts-focused professional learning opportunities for teachers.

I want to learn more about how engagement in the arts throughout a child’s academic career impacts their success, but I don’t know where to start.

Our school is considering implementing a new field trip program and I’m looking for information about the benefits of student visits to museums and attendance at live performances.

ArtsEdSearch is an online clearinghouse of research focuses on the outcomes of arts education for students and educatorsThis is where ArtsEdSearch can assist. Developed by the Arts Education Partnership (AEP), this online clearinghouse of research focuses on the outcomes of arts education for students and educators — both during and outside the school day — and supports policymakers and education stakeholders in better understanding and articulating the role that arts education can play in preparing students to succeed.

With implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act underway, states, districts and educators have opportunities to develop and enhance innovative arts education curricula that creatively engage students and support their present and long-term success. And with these new opportunities, questions may arise that are new to those ready to take advantage of ESSA’s well-rounded education components: How does dance education impact a child’s development during the early years? We have a vibrant, local arts community — what do the outcomes of partnerships between schools and arts professionals look like? What are the academic benefits of arts participation for at-risk students?

This publicly available database allows users to easily search through a comprehensive collection of more than 260 research studies — each summarized across key evaluation areas to ensure that all the research is accessible to a general audience. Users can search using key terms or can refine their search by more specific criteria, including school- or student-based topics, art form and type of research, among others.

To ensure that ArtsEdSearch remains a proven resource for those seeking to learn more about the outcomes associated with arts learning, AEP staff and a team of arts in education leaders working across the country conduct ongoing reviews of existing research. All included studies must meet a set of criteria for excellent research developed in consultation with the American Educational Research Association and the American Evaluation Association.

AEP is pleased to share the addition of five new studies to this expanding collection that explore topics including the development of children’s attitudes toward art and the potential impact of arts integration in students’ transitions to middle school.

As the landscape of education shifts and new opportunities and challenges for the arts surface, ArtsEdSearch will continue to grow and evolve to address timely topics in education research and practice.

To submit a study or learn more about the criteria for inclusion in ArtsEdSearch, please click here.

ArtsEdSearch is supported by funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, the U. S. Department of Education, the Wallace Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

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At Education Commission of the States, we believe in the power of learning from experience. Every day, we provide education leaders with unbiased information and opportunities for collaboration. We do this because we know that informed policymakers create better education policy.

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