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Governors’ Top Education Priorities in 2022 State of the State Addresses

Governors’ State of the State Addresses signal policy priorities for the coming year and allow state policymakers to get a sense of trending issues in their state and other states of interest. This year to date, 44 governors have delivered their address, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education reverberated across many of them. Governors discussed reopening schools and the importance of in-person learning; they also mentioned the implications of federal pandemic relief funds and the policy challenges ahead across the P-20 spectrum (from early learning through workforce development).

This year, as we have done every year since 2005, we summarized all of the education-related mentions and proposals in governors’ addresses, and we identified six top trends:

  • K-12 funding.
  • Workforce development and CTE.
  • Teacher staffing.
  • Physical and mental health.
  • Postsecondary affordability.
  • Learning recovery and success.
  •  See our interactive map for complete summaries of education policy priorities outlined in each governor’s State of the State address.

This report is a collaboration with the National Governors Association. We are grateful for this partnership.


March 15, 2022

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