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State-Level Tuition Assistance Programs for Foster Youth in Postsecondary Education (archive)

Foster youth continue to have disparate postsecondary degree attainment in comparison to their non-foster peers. As such, state policymakers have the ability to promote enrollment through tuition assistance programs. To date, only 28 states have some sort of financial aid programs specifically targeted for foster youth – 20 states with a tuition waiver program and eight states with a scholarship or grant program. The differences between programs illustrate the broad range of understanding and intentionality between states in addressing this issue.

Click a state on the map below to view details about the states’ tuition assistance program. For more information about foster youth in postsecondary education, please check out our recent policy report. To learn more about tuition assistance programs, please read our 50-State Review on tuition policies for foster youth.


March 6, 2017

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