The Commission

Commissioners serve as the state representatives for Education Commission of the states and provide leadership for the organization and their own states' education agendas. Collectively, the organization and staff are an extension of a Commissioner's education policy team.

Find your state liaison

Click on a state below to view the current list of Education Commission of the States Commissioners and the contact information for the state liaison in each state. State liaisons serve as the primary state contact and can connect Commissioners to Education Commission of the States resources and policy staff. Steering Committee Members are listed in bold.


Commissioners help guide Education Commission of the States’ work and their own state’s education agendas. Commissioners play an active role in facilitating two-way communication between states and Education Commission of the States.

Role of a Commissioner





The Executive Committee provides strategic direction and oversight for the management, operations and financial policies of Education Commission of the States. The President shall be hired by, report to and serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee serve two-year terms.


A governor who presides at all Education Commission of the States’ meetings and can select an education issue as their priority focus during their term. The Chair alternates between Democratic and Republican governors every two years.


A governor who works closely with the chair during the last year of the chair’s term and succeeds the chair. The chair-elect is of the opposite party of the chair.

Vice Chair

A state legislator whose duties are delegated by the chair and include serving as chair in the event of the chairs’ absence. The vice chair is of the opposite party of the chair.


The Treasurer has general responsibility for the funds of the Commission and for reviewing financial reports. This position is not limited to an education leader role group.

Immediate Past Chair

A governor and the outgoing chair.


The president of Education Commission of the States performs the duties of secretary and serves as a nonvoting officer.

Executive Committee Roster

Three standing committees — comprising four to eight Commissioners selected by the Education Commission of the States Chair — advise the work of the Executive Committee.

Finance Committee

Advises the Executive Committee on the annual audit, budget, strategic financial policies, investment strategies and policies, and changes in accounting practices.

National Forum Planning Committee

Collaborates with Education Commission of the States staff on the overall design and desired outcomes of the National Forum on Education Policy.

Nominating Committee

Nominates Education Commission of the States’ officers, Steering Committee members, and recipients of annual awards and recognitions.

Want to learn more? Contact the State Relations Director.

One Commissioner from each state serves a two-year term on the Steering Committee, which maintains broad oversight of the organization and is the primary policy-setting body of Education Commission of the States. Prospective Steering Committee members, who must be current Commissioners, are approved by the Nominating Committee.

Role of a Steering Committee Member

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